Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Calling All Third Graders...

Hey all, it’s that time of year again! Another year, another round of fun with friends and fellow classmates, with plenty of time for new explorations, discoveries, and learning opportunities for everyone!

In addition to our annual Homecoming walk and weeklong list of school-spirit festivities, students will also take part in our yearly third-grade Sleepy Eye walking history tour where we’ll not only visit local sights of interest but also learn about city government. Then, as part of our biography/autobiography genre studies, students will spend some time delving into our Wax Museum project which has students first choosing a person of historical significance and then conducting research on that individual using multiple media sources. Once all the research has been compiled and completed, students will then dress up as that character and present a first-person speech to the class, sharing what they’ve learned about that person. Later on in the year, students will also explore the benefits of animal adaptations, via our Alaskan Animal science unit.

Additionally, as an integral part of our regular third-grade classroom studies, students will do a lot of first-hand learning and experimenting with a whole range of ipad apps, too, including “Nearpod”, “Yak It”, “Aurasma”, “Showbie”, “Explain Everything”, “Comic Life”,  “Imovie”, and “Kahoot”. The latter of which is an especially true favorite of former third-grade students! By the end of the year, students will not only become adept with using each of these individual apps in a single application, but they will also become familiar with a complementary technique known as app smashing, which incorporates using more than one app at a time in order to achieve a particular outcome. Look forward to the results, as they are always a source of celebration and sure to impress!

So get ready to wear your Sleepy Eye Pride as we kick off another fantastic year for third-grade students and parents alike!

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