Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Splish, Splash, We're Off To Celebrate Our MCA-Testing Success!

After weeks and weeks of dilgent preparation and practice--as well as some extremely hard work on the part of the students themselves--and then several more weeks of individual testing itself, all of the third graders have finally finished up with the required MCA assessments. And with the final results tallied and recorded, there is absolutely no question that in addtion to continuing to be a close and careful readers, all of those test-taking skills and strategies were certainly put to good use!
Some of those classroom skills and strategies discussed and practiced over that past couple of months included the following tips and/or recommendations:
*This is neither a race nor a competition. Take your time and read the passage closely and carefully as a good reader would.
*After reading the entire passage once, go back and reread it again, just as carefully and closely as you did the first time. If necessary, reread it again, until you are sure you understand what the text is about.
*When it comes to answering posed questions on the test, first eliminate all possible answers that do not apply to the given question.
*Go back and find the specific portion of the text that refers to the posed question and find the actual answer to that question as it appears in the text itself.
In recognition for a job well done, students are spending a few well-earned hours away from the classroom tomorrow, April 28th, to have some fun with friends and fellow classmates during a trip to New Ulm's Vogel Arena Pool.  Following that, we're off to enjoy a school-packed bag lunch at Herman Heights Park.
Congratulations to all! Way to show your Sleepy Eye Pride Third Graders!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Flashback Friday

So much to do, so very little time! Come this time of year--at least in third grade anyway--such always seems to be the case, starting in February and continuing on into the middle of May, when students and teachers alike spring forward toward the conslusion of yet another successful year of school. As with anything, when busy and engaged, something else tends to take a backseat for a bit; hence, the need for our accumulative update!

*Jump Rope For Heart
February, the month most commonly devoted to romance and matters of the heart, is also the time when K-6th graders turn their attention to our annual heart-health campaign. An initiaive and national fund-raising event sponsored by the American Heart Association and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHRERD) whose purpose is to educate elementary and middle-school kids about their own hearts and heart health through heart-healthy endeavors, including a wide range of physical activities. Here at Sleepy Eye Elementary, one of those discussed physical activities spotlighted is jumping rope. An all-inclusive gathering that not only helps to improve students' own heart-healthy habits but also assists in helping to raise monies to benefit children who suffer from heart-health related issues.

*Literacy Night
Keeping with the month's theme, February also marks our "I Love To Read" celebration, during which time we focus on the importance of reading and the fun and impact it can and does have on not only avid readers, but also anyone who has ever picked up a book. This month-long acknowledgement is always capped off with our own Literacy Night, which is open to all students and their families.

In addition to providing an opportunity for students, parents, and siblings to share some quality time with one another while enjoying our menu selection of walking tacos, students and their siblings were also encouraged to browse through the grade-appropriate book choices offered and then chose a title that appealed to them and take it home to enjoy with family and friends. Families were also able to partake in the many other activities provided that evening as well, including a bookmark- making station, a game room, a read-a-loud session, as well as the photo-taking booth--the latter of which proved to be THE hit of the night!

Just as successful were the library-based padlet book recommendations prepared by our students, offering advice and suggestions to their fellow classmates regarding potential future book choices, based upon their own previous reading experiences. Students also enjoyed walking the "Author Hall of Fame", located in the hallway between the office and the cafeteria. Here students and their families were provided with ipads and headphones, and with the help of some very competent high school volunteers, were invited to learn a plethora of information and facts about a dozen different popular children's authors via the "Yak It" and "Aurasma" apps.

A special note of thanks to all of our volunteers as well as the third-grade students who prepared the vocal recordings for all of our featured authors. Great way to show your Sleepy Eye Pride!